-Rev Dr. Marcel Raymond Hutson
Where the Journey Began
Dr. Marcel Raymond Hutson is the Chief Education Officer at the Ministry of Education, Guyana, as well as an evangelist, a father, and a husband. While Dr. Hutson has many titles, there were several influential people who shaped him into the man he is today. His father played a critical role in laying the groundwork by consistently advocating the importance of education and for him to be educated. He recalled some of the things his father said to him before dropping him off at school: stay focus on his learning (education), don’t follow bad company (social life), and walk on the right side of the road (safety). Bishop Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah, Presiding Bishop of First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, also played a prominent role in Dr. Hutson’s life, by recognising and facilitating opportunities for the development of the giftings of God in his life. This played a significant role in him becoming an Evangelist. Reflecting on his primary and secondary school years and the seemingly negative comments made by some of his teachers, Dr. Hutson recognised they had his best interest at heart and their remarks were only meant to encourage him.

Contemplating his formative years, Dr. Hutson indicated his journey to the position of Chief Education Office was quite interesting. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but his career goal was to be a medical doctor. However, to obtain formal career development training Dr. Hutson submitted applications simultaneously to the Nursing School and the Cyril Potter College of Education. He was accepted first by the Cyril Potter College of Education and spent two years there, before proceeding to the University of Guyana to pursue a Degree in Sociology. He subsequently completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Education Administration, and a Master’s Degree in Education. These are complemented by a Bachelor of Arts in Theology. Recognising how his career path evolved in education, Dr. Hutson then completed a Teacher Cadet Training Programme with the Ministry of Education, which paved the way for promotions to District Education Officer, Regional Education Officer, Principal Education Officer, and Assistant Chief Education Officer. He later became the Deputy Chief Education Officer before being appointed Chief Education Officer. Currently, he is the only person who held every officer post, before assuming the position of Chief Education Officer. Though his path to Chief Education Officer was not planned, due to his qualifications and positioning, he applied and was successful.
Challenges and Adversities
While Dr. Hutson stated that no part of the Chief Education Officer’s job is easy, one of his greatest challenges is getting others to understand and support the vision of empowering and releasing the potential of children and others, through education. Rather than confining educational goals to an individual or a neighbourhood, Dr. Hutson firmly believes in a holistic approach that benefits the nation and society.
Reflecting on the many internal and external pressures that come with being the Chief Education Officer, including constantly being under the microscope, and dealing with the nation’s concerned citizens, Dr. Hutson stated that in this job, you must have a deep knowledge of God. He shared that it is easy to be painted and tarnished by negative comments, but when you know God, you can stand firm. “I take solace in the fact that there is a transcendent God who is able to help, who is able to save, and who is able to keep. So many of the challenges and adversities that I face as the Chief Education Officer, I take to God in prayer because I believe God is capable of delivering,” he disclosed. He also stated that it was God who kept him sane and pushing on, as the Bible has taught him to endure hardships. He referred to his personal mantra, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”
Though many of the most difficult decisions in Guyana’s education system may be difficult to accept. Dr. Hutson informs his decision-making process in a variety of ways, including consultation. His decisions are not made unilaterally, but rather as a result of strategic engagements with individuals and groups that play critical roles in the decision-making process. While people may disagree with his opinions and decisions, Dr. Hutson recognises that it is important to acknowledge their point of view and thoughts, while assuring them that the decisions are in the best interest of everyone.
Acknowledging that adversity will occur, Dr. Hutson said his personal tools for addressing adversity, includes prayer, inward reflection, and drawing strength, and reflecting on the significance of his name. He stated that he is occasionally reminded of his given name, ‘Marcel,’ which means “little warrior.” This is a constant reminder and encouragement for him to fight and endure. Additionally, his family is a major source of motivation and support.
Wearing Many Hats
Besides his busy professional role as Chief Education Officer, Dr. Hutson is the lead Pastor for the First Assembly of God Wortmanville’s growing outstation at La Parfaite Harmonie. Though balancing the two responsibilities along with other church commitments may appear difficult, Dr. Hutson perseveres and believes his capacity to do so is nothing short of a miracle. “I don’t know how it happens, but I believe God gave me the strength to persevere and press on,” he divulged.

Further in 2020, with the publication of ‘Born to Succeed: A collaborative approach to developing the God-given literacy potential of students in the early grades,’ Dr. Hutson became a successful published author. The inspiration for writing his first book came from his doctoral studies, where he discovered that a child learns to read at a foundational level. He gathered parents, children, and educators for training, facilitated a pre-test, workshops and interventions, followed by a post-test that revealed the children improved. After conducting his research, he realised that people should have access to this information, and decided to publish the book on Amazon. Dr. Hutson strongly believes the book is important because it allows the world to see that children do not have to stay where they are, but can change as they read.
Despite his busy schedule and numerous commitments, Dr. Hutson enjoys engaging in various sporting disciplines, and as a boxer, boxing is at the top of the list, closely followed by cricket, athletics, and football. In his spare time, he also enjoys reading, talking to young people to empower them, and conducting research.
Life Reflections
Reflecting on his life, Dr. Hutson identified his three main challenges and successes as: getting people to embrace transformational thinking, ensuring that he does not follow in the footsteps of many others by not having a strong family life, and overcoming peer pressure by not engaging in sexual activities at a young age.
Words of encouragement
In encouraging someone who wants to be the next Chief Education Officer or educator, Dr. Hutson shared three characteristics: knowing, which refers to intellect; doing, which refers to getting into the habit of doing; and being, which refers to character and consistency of behaviour. He stated that you must develop a love for people, especially children, because if you do not have a love for children, you may as well not be a Chief Education Officer. He concluded by saying that you must study and research what a Chief Education Officer does and what is required to obtain the position.
Greatest Accomplishments
Dr. Marcel Raymond Hutson considers one of his greatest accomplishments to be the many souls won for Jesus, under his ministry as an evangelist. He classified it into two groups. Spiritually, having the opportunity to preach the Word of God in various communities, at road corners, and witness hundreds of persons commit their lives to God. He is also grateful for the lives he impacted as an educator, including teachers and students who had life-changing experiences as a result of coming in contact with him.
Dr. Hutson is forever grateful to his father and others who motivated him in life to be the best he can and learn all he can. He intends to continue sharing this with everyone he comes in contact with throughout his life. We bless Dr. Hutson as he continues serving our nation’s children.